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Thinking of buying a business?

Ready to Take Your Next Big Step?

As a savvy business owner, you know that sometimes the best way to grow is to acquire an existing business. It's an exciting prospect, isn't it? But let's face it - buying a business is a big deal, and you want to get it right. At HelloLedger, we've helped plenty of owners like you navigate this journey successfully. So, let's walk through the key things you need to know to make your next move a winner.

4 wooden stacked blocks with ticks on them next to the words Thinking of buying a business

Do Your Homework (It Really Pays Off)

Before you shake hands on a deal, you need to know exactly what you're getting into. Think of it as a deep dive into your potential new venture. Here's what to look out for:

1. Follow the Money Trail

A common problem with both startups and established businesses is a lack of cashflow. It’s possible to have a business with a reasonable customer base and ongoing sales, but for poor margins and rising operational expenses to have a negative impact on the company’s finances.

- Get your hands on those financial statements. Are they making a healthy profit?

- Look at the cash flow. Is it steady, or more of a roller coaster ride?

- Spot any financial red flags now, so they don't become your headaches later.

2. Uncover the 'Why' Behind the Sale

It’s vital that you know WHY the current owner is selling. It may be that they simply want to move on to a new business venture, or retire. But they may also be trying to extricate themselves from a business that’s not performing well, or has intrinsic issues.

- Is the owner ready for retirement, or is there a storm brewing?

- The reason for selling can give you valuable insights into what you're stepping into.

 3. Check the Business's Vital Signs

It's important that you step into an industry sector that has potential for sales, growth, stable revenues and potential profits. With volatile markets post-pandemic, looking at predictions and forecasts for your chosen industry niche makes good sense and helps you make an informed decision.

- How's their standing in the market? Is there room for you to grow?

- Look at the competition. Are you entering a thriving market or a saturated one?

4. Make Sure There Are No Surprises

As the new owner, pre-existing financial, legal or HR issues become your responsibility, so you want to check out the company’s records and history in as much detail as possible. This will prevent some major headaches further down the line - Double-check for any legal issues or unpaid taxes.

- Review all contracts and agreements. You don't want any unwelcome surprises after you sign.

5. Meet the Team

As the saying goes, your people are your most important business asset. So, prior to buying the business, it’s important to get acquainted with the top team, management and employees.

- A great team can be your secret weapon. Are the employees engaged and on board?

- Identify key players. Their expertise could be crucial for your future success.

Your Action Plan for a Smart Purchase

Dig Deep

Really get to know how the business ticks. What's working well? Where are the opportunities for improvement?

Look at the Big Picture

What's happening in the industry? Are there trends or changes on the horizon that could impact your new venture?

Negotiate with Confidence

Use what you've learned to strike a fair deal. Remember, it's okay to walk away if things don't add up.

Plan Your Victory Lap

Think about how this business fits into your bigger picture. How will you take it to the next level?

Bring in the Experts

Don't go it alone. Your accountant, lawyer, or business advisor can offer invaluable insights and help you avoid common pitfalls.

Your Next Move Starts Here

Buying a business is a big step, but it's also an incredible opportunity. With the right approach and support, you can turn someone else's business into your next big success story.

Ready to explore this exciting possibility? At HelloLedger, we're here to help you crunch the numbers, spot the golden opportunities, and navigate any challenges. Let's work together to make your next business move your smartest one yet.

Give us a call - we're excited to help you write the next chapter of your business success story!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


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